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25 Self-Care Ideas for Relaxation

Jeissy Santiago

Autumn and Winter are my favorite seasons, especially in Florida. As the weather changes, we are preparing ourselves as well. During the cold seasons, we all may feel busy, frustrated, or overwhelmed with everyday life. The holidays are fast approaching with Thanksgiving Day around the corner. Now is the time to take very good care of yourself.

Take one method to temporarily escape from your daily routine. Take a moment to do something that relieves your stress. Something that brings you peace. Even if the method takes only for ten minutes.

I have gathered a list of 25 self-care ideas to help you relax & enjoy the present moment.

1. Take 5 minutes to slow down and take a deep breath.

2. Write a letter to release all your emotions.

3. Try aromatherapy. Light candles, incense, or a fireplace and just relax. You can also use essential oils and a diffuser.

4. Enjoy your morning beverage outside.

5. Spend time outside journaling or writing.

6. Give yourself a massage with a special lotion you enjoy.

7. Plan of a list of things you want to do this Autumn or Winter season.

8. Add essential oils to your bath or shower (or take a simple hot bath).

9. Cuddle with an animal. They may need a hug too.

10. Eat something healthy. (Such as green beans, squash, sweet potato, carrots, broccoli, or cauliflower).

11. Make a hearty soup or stew.

12. Stretch everything. Try doing some chair yoga.

Here are 10 Chair Yoga Poses for Home Practice. Find them at...

13. Drink a cup of tea. There are many flavors.

14. Make a homemade face mask. The cold weather is here, take care of your skin.

15. Paint your nails and autumn color.

16. Make a gratitude list. You can also write a sentence of gratitude every day.

17. Read a book. Whether it’s a few pages or a few chapters.

18. Watch videos on how to do a guided meditation. Go to a quiet area, relax, breathe,

and listen to a video. Imagine something that makes you happy.

19. Listen to uplifting, encouraging music.

20. Find the warm blankets, sweatpants, and that warm pajamas and socks.

21. Give someone a tight hug.

22. Watch a movie with someone or by yourself.

23. Take a walk outside. Enjoy the fresh air.

24. Call someone you love or call an old friend.

25. Take a nap. Close your eyes and rest for 10-20 minutes as the best power nap.

Are you curious to know, How long to nap for the biggest brain benefits?

Find out at…

Any busy season can overwhelm anyone. I hope that this list can help someone. Remember that tomorrow is just another new day. Have faith that tomorrow will be a better day.

My future mother-n-law mentioned to me, “Don’t worry about tomorrow. Don’t worry about today. Live in this very moment. Now release stress and anxiety. Don’t stress about the future. Live today as a new day.”


(Paula from “Punky Moms” had an almost perfect self-care list. Which inspired me to incorporate her ideas as well.) You can find her here…

Paula. 31, Oct. 2019. 50 Self Care Ideas for Autumn. Punky Moms. Retrieved from

A Year of Guided Meditations. Image retrieved from Originally from

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